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Teaching Artists And Organizations Directory

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Found (48) Results:

Two teachers and a dozen girls in matching shirts all smile happily for a selfie.

Kiara and A’deja Brewer

Kiara and A’Deja Brewer provide an after-school choir for ages 8-18 that teaches the children self-love affirmations and self-encouraging songs.

A group of students sit, stand, or crouch in a lose circle, all looking toward a teacher pointing animatedly.

Kidsview Inc.

Kidsview Inc. is a non-profit organization that exists to assist students gain access and opportunity to enrichment that is foundational to many different paths of creative expression.

Leading Ladies and Working Men

Leading Ladies and Working Men focuses on empowering youth with skills to be successful beyond the classroom. Their program uses arts to give youth the skills help them navigate life.

A woman performs animatedly with a tiger puppet. Some very young kids watch her, one with a hand raised.

Looking for Lilith Theatre Company

Looking for Lilith is an ensemble theatre company that creates productions and programming through reexamining history and questioning today from unheard perspectives.

A black and white photo featuring two ballet dancers rehearsing in a studio. Other dancers work behind them.

Louisville Ballet

Louisville Ballet makes moving art that respects tradition, encourages innovation, and fosters life-long learning.

A woman sits outside at a chair with a large drum. Two kids are beside her holding other drums. A guitar leans against a table behind them.

Louisville Center for Therapy and Personal Sustainability

Louisville Center for Therapy and Personal Sustainability’s team of clinically trained therapists specialize in utilizing the creative arts as a tool for achieving improved mental health, peer bonding, and bolstered community wellness.

About a dozen adults sit on fold-out chairs in a close circle, playing musical instruments including fiddles and an upright bass.

Louisville Folk School

Louisville Folk School is a 501(c)3 nonprofit with a mission to engage the folk music traditions of Kentuckians through education and performance, building on the rich cultural history of the bluegrass state while creating community through the arts.

Three teachers and a group of kids pose for a picture, several of the kids holding up art pieces.

Louisville Visual Art

Louisville Visual Art nurtures local artists throughout their creative lifecycles, strengthening Louisville’s entire arts ecosystem.

17 students stand onstage in four rows facing out, all wearing black shirts or suits.

Louisville Youth Choir (LYC)

The Louisville Youth Choir creates stars of today by supporting and enhancing school music programs and by servicing unmet artistic needs in the community.

Tomisha Lovely-Allen stands with three kids holding up paintings. Behind them, other paintings are displayed at a table and on a wall.

Lovely-Allen Art

Tamisha Allen’s programming encourages art play through art materials exploration.

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