  • Visual Art

About Us:

Youngblood Harmonizing Arts serves the community through a variety of services and original art.

Age Range(s)
Adults (25-64), Ages 15 and Up, All Ages (Children Through Seniors), Children (0-14), Seniors (65 years and over), Teens (13-18), Youth (15-24)
Julia Youngblood (She/Her)

Youngblood Harmonizing Arts serves the community through a variety of services and original art. YHA provides Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions harmonizing mind, body, and spirit, life coaching, personalized family celebrations, visual art and jewelry, photographic services, and visual art workshops fostering the powerful creative life force in us all. Tapping into natural energy flows and our most ancient and ancestral creative forces we are brought back into balance – harmonized.

Youngblood Harmonizing Arts offers authentic visual art, writing, and jewelry-making workshops for all ages. Recent workshop sites include The Kentucky Center for African American Heritage, South Louisville Community Center, Speed
Museum, Maryhurst, Dreams with Wings, UofL Women’s Center, Molo Village, and Kentuckians for the Commonwealth.

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