  • Led by or specializes in serving Black or African American communities
  • Led by or specializes in serving mixed race communities
  • Led by or specializes in serving women
  • Presenting & Multidisciplinary Arts
Qigong Workshop with professional artists and students at Université Abomey-Calavi in Benin, West Africa (2023). Photo by Aukram Burton

About Us:

Nefertiti is a theatre artist teaching the healing arts of tai chi and qigong (grounding, centering, deep breathing, relaxation) for increased grace, comfort, and connection to one’s mind and body.

Age Range(s)
Adults (25-64), Ages 15 and Up, All Ages (Children Through Seniors), Seniors (65 years and over), Youth (15-24)
Nefertiti Burton

Nefertiti became involved in theatre performance as a child and it evolved from past-time to career. She began studying tai chi in 2005. A theatre artist and former dancer, she was first attracted to the movement merely for movement’s sake. At the time she had no idea of tai chi’s benefits to mental and physical health and well-being. But as she continued to study and practice, she became aware of subtle changes in her mind and body. Positive changes such as increased balance while walking on uneven ground, greater awareness of her breath and the need to release physical tension in her body, the ability to find mental stillness in the midst of chaotic situations. She is inspired and invigorated by the complementarity in the disciplines of theatre performance and tai chi. Both require movement, focus, relaxation, breath, and the need to be in fully present in each moment. Both disciplines necessitate an ongoing search for greater understanding of the human spirit, the human body, and the universe as a whole. Communication is at the core of each – communication with one’s own physical, mental, and emotional processes and with the world around us. There is mystery inherent in both disciplines – and wonder when one discovers the beauty of full commitment to the art – even for the briefest of moments.

Nefertiti seeks to share with community members the mystery and wonder of tai chi as daily practice for well-being and the joy of tai chi performance for one’s own pleasure and the pleasure of onlookers.

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