The James Welch Sr. Arts Leadership Award recognizes a volunteer who has made significant contributions to advancing the arts in Louisville. Fund for the Arts and Stoll Keenon Ogden give this recognition to honor the legacy of James Welch Sr. who provided strong and unassuming leadership and service to the Louisville arts community for decades. Qualified nominees must:

  • Substantially contribute to the arts community in Louisville by working with various groups in a way that will have a sustainable impact
  • Quietly lead and seldom receive recognition for his/her continued efforts
  • Show dedication to the arts community over his/her lifetime

The 2018 Nomination Deadline is Wednesday, August 22, 2018.


The James Welch Sr. Arts Leadership Award is made possible by



2019 James Welch Sr. Arts Leadership Award Nomination

  • Nominator Information

  • Nominee Information

  • Please describe why the nominee should be considered for this award (500-word maximum).
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 50 MB.
      Please upload a head shot of the nominee if available.
    • By typing my name and date below am I signifying that I recommend the nominee for the James Welch Sr. Arts Leadership Award given by the Fund for the Arts and sponsored by Stoll Keenon Ogden .
    • MM slash DD slash YYYY
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