Blue Apple Players “Drama for Learning, Drama for Life” program teaches students how to write and create their own stories. As part of the program, students receive their own personal “drama diary” to record their stories in. Here is just one example of how the program has positively impacted a student at Jacob Elementary:
This past year we allowed a student to participate who has been a bully for most of his years at Jacob. He can be very difficult to handle for teachers and students. I would be remiss if I did not say that I was leery of putting him in the group. It was truly amazing to see his transformation. He has learned to consider the feelings of others before taking action. He is not perfect, but he has certainly improved. He made friends with the others in the group and he told us he learned how to listen to others as a result of Blue Apple. He also said he learned that everything didn’t have to be his way – other ways can also work.” Jacob Elementary – after school program for 5th graders
In order to provide more students with this valuable learning experience, Blue Apple Players looked to Their “Drama Diaries: Building Literacy and Creativity” project raised $720 to purchase an additional 360 drama diaries. Barbara Sexton Smith recently visited a group of students at Jacob Elementary who could not wait to show off their drama diaries!
Blue Apple Players would like to thank Jacob Elementary staff members:
Tiffany Stoner, Family Resource Coordinator
Shannon Spradlin, Counselor
Cherryl L. Williams, Principal