Donna Hargens, JCPS Superintendent
Thank you Class Act Federal Credit Union for sponsoring the JCPS Superintendent’s Arts Circle November 3rd at the Louisville Orchestra. It was a marvelous evening spent with some of the best educators Jefferson County has to offer. Thank you all for your generous support of Arts in our schools.
You hear me say it every day, Together through the Arts we create a Great American city. Today I am excited to introduce you to a shining example of this vision for our region. Welcome www.ArtebellaDaily.org! This new website presented by the Louisville Visual Art Association is revolutionizing the visual art community by bringing local artists to your inbox.
Watch this week’s video blog for details on how you can get inspiration delivered right to your inbox every day and how you can register to win 4 tickets to see Stage One’s The Best Christmas Pageant Ever! A winner will be chosen from all responses on Friday, Nov 16th, at 5:00 pm.
Visit artebella DAILY today and be INSPIRED!
Upcoming Events
Now-November 17 Salvation Road, Walden Theatre
Now-November 25 A Christmas Story, Actors Theatre of Louisville
Now-December 9 True West, Actors Theatre of Louisville
November 16 Britten’s Serenade, Louisville Orchestra
November 18 Classical Series Concert, Louisville Youth Orchestra
November 18 Delights for Young and Old, Voces Novae
November 20-December 2 Jersey Boys,PNC Broadway Across America
November 24-December 20 The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, StageOne Family Theatre
November 24 Video Games Live!, Louisville Orchestra
November 25 Bach Christmas Oratorio, Louisville Choral Arts Society
November 30-February 4 Wendell Castle: Forms Within Forms, Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft
December 16 Handel’s Messiah, Louisville Master Chorale
Ongoing Artebella, Louisville Visual Art Association
Just click on the Flickr banner below to check out the photos of the week from the arts community!
Like us on FACEBOOK to stay up-to-date on the latest arts news and ticket information. Together through the arts, we really do create a great American city!
Barbara Sexton Smith
President & CEO
Fund for the Arts