As Fund for the Arts enters the final month of the 2011 campaign, theyare embarking on a new initiative to explore ways to connect with and obtain feedback from the community.

The Fund for the Arts Board of Directors has two committees, the Executive Search Committee andthe Strategic Re-visioning Committee, working to help the organization discover new opportunities toengage the community. One way the Fund hopes to gain community input is through an online surveyavailable on the Fund for the Arts website.

The survey seeks to determine how the community is currently engaging in the arts as well as how theyprefer to remain involved in the future. More specifically, feedback is requested in several categories,including arts event attendance frequency, motivation for support, and entertainment preferences. Theanonymous survey can be found at the Fund for the Arts website

Regarding the newly released survey, Fund for the Arts board member Rusty Cheuvront said, “We wantto reach out to the community and get their opinions via the survey as well as use this opportunity todrive everyone to the Fund for the Arts website where we will be communicating additional informationand where they, too, can share their thoughts and ideas.”

Anyone can participate in the survey and the organization encourages participation from individualswho do and do not currently take part in the annual fundraising campaign. Other sources for communityinput will be made available as time progresses and the information gained from this survey will helpguide future community conversations.

The 2011 Fund for the Arts Campaign will wrap up on June 30th. Visit today to donate. Together through the Arts we make the great American city!

Founded in 1949 by Mayor Charles Farnsley, Fund for the Arts supports 28 Member Groups andPrograms and reaches more than 400,000 schoolchildren each year through arts education initiativessuch as the 5×5 program for elementary schools. Fund for the Arts is governed by a board of directorsand is lead by Acting President & CEO, Barbara Sexton Smith.

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