Second Applicant Information Session Added

Wednesday, July 1, 9am to 10:30am

Meeting ID: 998 5944 1290

Password: 202745


Recording of First Application Information Session

You can also access a recording of the first Cultural Lou Recovery Grants Applicant Info Session here:

Password: 6X@@84##


The purpose of the Cultural Lou Recovery Grants is to provide mission-based operating support to Greater Louisville arts and culture organizations to support recovery from the impact of COVID-19 and to rebuild a thriving, vibrant, inclusive, and equitable community for all. Cultural Lou Recovery Grants are designed to provide foundational operating support for established Greater Louisville charitable arts and culture organizations with a proven capacity to steward the financial investment of the Fund for the Arts and its nearly 16,000 donors.

We recognize that all arts and culture organizations are operating under extreme uncertainties, with many unknown variables because of COVID-19. Additionally, The Fund for the Arts recognizes the community’s call for racial equity and is committed to building a more inclusive and equitable community for all as one our core pillars. In response, in the FY2021 Cultural Lou Recovery Grant application, the score weighting emphasizes the applicants’ plans to recover from COVID-19 and commitment to rebuild a thriving, vibrant, inclusive, and equitable community for all.

To meaningfully support charitable arts and culture organizations and to effectively and efficiently steward donor dollars, with the FY2021 Cultural Lou Recovery Grants, Fund for the Arts will invest in arts and culture organizations that:

  • Are extraordinary, providing exciting, unignorable, nationally- and regionally-recognized offerings that attract business, talent, participants, cultural tourism, and attention to Greater Louisville.
  • Are essential to Greater Louisville, building a thriving community by driving educational outcomes, access to the arts, and economic activity.
  • Are equitable and inclusive, intentionally serving and telling the stories of diverse and traditionally underserved and underrepresented populations.
  • Demonstrate strong plans for maintaining sustainable operations in FY2021 and beyond, so that they may recover from COVID-19 and rebuild a thriving, vibrant, inclusive, and equitable community for all.
  • Are looking for opportunities for new collaborations, shared services, and strategic alliances that could result in cost savings and/or revenue generation across the sector.

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