“I believe in the power of people to change the world.”  -Christen Boone

The Fund for the Arts is proud to announce the winners of the 2014 William Tolbert Whittenberg Scholarship for Excellence. These young performers demonstrated a force of talent on the stage as well as superior accomplishment out of the spotlight.

Please join us in congratulating these young artists!

Alexis Gill Photo Alexis Gill is a Louisville native and studies music performance at Baldwin Wallace University in Ohio.She was awarded a Whittenberg Scholarship to attend the Franco-American Vocal Academy in Texas this summer.
Jonathan Yi Johnathan Yi is an accomplished violist and a recent graduate of duPont Manual High School and the Youth Performing Arts School (YPAS).He was awarded his Whittenberg Scholarship to attend the Summer String Academy at Indiana University this summer.

Catching up with Nicole Scherzinger

Nicole ScherzingerWe had the opportunity recently to catch up with former Whittenberg Scholarship winner Nicole Scherzinger.

Scherzinger was awarded the Whittenberg Scholarship in 1996 while attending duPont Manual High School/YPAS and used her scholarship to attend Wright State University where she majored in Music Theatre.

“This scholarship helped me get a college education, pay for housing, and it inspired me.” said Scherzinger.

The inspiration did not end with her, through her success in the music and television industry she has been able to not only inspire others to reach for their dreams, she is enabling a new generation to find the funds to do so.

The Nicole Scherzinger Performing Arts Scholarship was given to her alma mater and honors a new performing Arts student each year.

“The Arts, for me, were everything. They helped mold who I am today. There are so many different creative outlets – there is something for everyone.

If the Arts are your passions, speak your dreams. If you are in the Arts, you have great purpose. It has nothing to do with being famous, the Arts are a gift; they chose you.

The Arts are awesome! They have changed my life, not only through education, but through discipline. The Arts build character.

I couldn’t be more grateful.”

Share this information with a young performer interested in auditioning for the Whittenberg Scholarship – and mark your calendar for the February 2015 application release.

christen sig

Stamp SignatureChristen Boone
President & CEO
Fund for the Arts

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