We visit so many area businesses in and around Louisville during our campaign season. But it takes an employee to open the door for us.
In companies all over the city we have civic minded volunteers who care about the arts and are passionate about funding arts education opportunities for our children. These volunteers evangelize the importance of arts funding and how employee contributions can change the face of the city. It’s that passion that opens the doors for us.
Claire Simms, a Fund for the Arts campaign star, experienced a door re-opening this morning as she headed out to meet with Julia McGuffey, NeXt! Member, arts enthusiast, performer and attorney at Middleton Reutlinger.
Julia revived her workplace giving campaign at Middleton Reutlinger today after a few years absence. After the morning festivities Claire said, “Folks showed up to enjoy refreshments and learn about the arts, and so far we’ve raised $1,794 in new dollars from 11 donors!” WOW!
Thank you Julia for being an Fund for the Arts workplace giving volunteer. And Thank you Middleton Reutlinger for your out pouring of support!
To learn more about Workplace Giving programs contact Alison Hansen at 502.582.0100 today!