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Art by Debra Lott

Title: Seasons of Grace

Medium: Charcoal on paper

Follow the artist on Instagram @debralott

About the Artist

What does art mean to you? How does art heal?

 To answer the question, ‘What art means to me,’ I’d have to use the quote “I was born that way”. It’s hard to imagine my life without being creative, especially in the media of drawing and painting. Painting figurative art is my life passion, specifically paintings that empower women and reflect upon the human experience. My paintings explore social, political, and contemporary issues and include socially conscious themes on privilege, abuse, marginalization, self-identity, and body image.

My art is created for the healing of others. My artwork commissioned by Norton Cancer Institute consists of a series of four paintings each 24×24 square uniting to form a 48×48 inch composition. The artwork is located on the second floor of the new facility. Each painting is a unique composition of hands. These hands communicate much more than we realize – a touch, a clasp, a gesture – expressing more than the spoken word while bringing comfort. My paintings express the process of caring for the body and the person within- across all races, genders, and ages. They represent the individual narrative, the common bond and invite the viewer to add his/her own journey. I have artwork at organizations that provide healing and help for women including Family Scholar House and The Center for Women and Families. I’ve received 3 grants from KY Foundation for Women to create exhibits that bring healing. My latest solo exhibits were titled #METOO and #WomenStrongerTogether. To me, this is how art heals!

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