Nine months ago ASC launched power2give as a platform for non-profits to raise money for arts and cultural projects in Charlotte-Mecklenburg. Since then we’ve launched the site in Louisville (Kentucky and Southern Indiana), Miami, Fla. and just last week, Greensboro. The expansion of the site has meant growth not just geographically, but in total fundraising as well. We’re excited to be able to announce today that has so far raised $1 million! It has provided funding to nearly 430 arts, science, history and heritage projects.“I am thrilled that this new strategy to support the arts and cultural sectors in cities across the U.S. is working and its impact is more than we expected in the first year,” said ASC President Scott Provancher. “I am grateful to the individuals and organizations that have demonstrated their commitment to arts and culture by giving to the projects and nonprofits they are passionate about through the site.”
In each city, the site has helped raise:
$373,874 – Charlotte, N.C. (launched Aug. 29, 2011)
$381,709 – Kentucky & Southern Indiana (launched Dec. 5, 2011)
$231,384 – Miami, Fla. (launched Dec. 14, 2011)
$19,383 – Greensboro, N.C. (launched May 15, 2012)
The success comes from more than 3,750 individual donations and matching gifts from corporations and foundations. The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Wells Fargo, Republic Bank and the Leon Levine Foundation are among the organizations that have matched individual gifts on the site.
In the coming months we’ll be announcing additional cities hosting the site across North Carolina and the country. Stay tuned!
To view projects in need of support, visit