Scott Olinger and Andrea Strange pose with Mayor Farnsley at Riverbend Winery.
What an exciting time of year! A new year brings new hopes and new opportunities, and we here at the Fund hope to take advantage of all this year can bring to us! With our 2012 Campaign beginning, we have a big goal ahead of us. Set by 2012 Campaign Chair Joe Pusateri, we aim to reach $9.2 million this year! We have listened to what the community asked us to be – relevant, innovative and evolutionary – and we are ready to deliver!
FFTA was excited to entertain more than 85 young professionals at the Farnsley by 40 Event on January 9 at Riverbend Winery. Hosted by Farnsley by 40 Chair, Nick Phelps, the evening included an informative session about how young adults can make the commitment to donate $1,949 annually by the age of 40. The evening also included a performance by Amos Hopkins.
“FBY40 was an incredible idea of Angela Leet’s and I immediately hopped on board. If the up and coming leaders/young professionals of Louisville want our city to grow and prosper, a strong arts community is key. This program is a way to put our money where are mouth is and to set a goal for years down the road. The opportunities to connect with corporate leaders, see behind the scene action within the arts organizations, and have some fun is priceless. This program is flexible and meets anyone’s budget, it is about making a statement and setting an example, and I’m proud to be one of dozens already doing it,” said Chair Nick Phelps.
With new funding tools such as power2give and great leadership, such as Angela Leet and Nick Phelps helping us grow our Charles Farnsley Society, we have never been more excited or prepared for a campaign. Reaching this goal of $9.2 million will help us fulfill the mission of Mayor Farnsley, which was to use the arts to grow our economy, educate our children and inspire the quality of life for all of our citizens. Thank you to all of our supporters!
Together, through the Arts we create a great American city!
Barbara Sexton Smith
Acting President & CEO
Fund for the Arts