What does being active in social media mean at the Fund?

Its about being Social.  Art in and of itself is a both deeply personal and social experience.   Whether you are exploring a gallery at the Kentucky Museum of Arts and Crafts and are deeply moved by a painting or are at the Kentucky Opera riveted by the lead soprano’s aria, the result is the same.  It’s the original shared experience!  And thats what being social is about.  Here at the Fund for the Arts we want to share our experiences in the arts and more importantly we want to see the excitement in your posts and status updates as you share yours!

It’s that sharing across all the many social media platforms available that turns each and every arts patron in the city into an Arts Evangelist!  

To become an Arts Evangelist, is easy.  Here is one thing you can do right now!

Subscribe to our blog. Your reading it right now!  Simply copy our RSS Feed address http://www.fundforthearts.com/news/feed/ into your favorite reader and you will receive instant notifications every time we post!   You will be the first to know what is happening around town with our weekly CEO blog post.   And the first to know the big arts announcements!   Announcements like the one made by our acting President and CEO, Barbara Sexton Smith, here, stating that as soon as we reach 1,949 “likes” on Facebook, every single one of our fans will receive one ticket to an arts event of Barbara’s choosing!   It will be a facebook party!   http://www.facebook.com/fundforthearts

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