HeARTS is an initiative supported by Louisville Metro Government that supports arts programs in community centers across the city and county. HeARTS is an investment in arts as a powerful and transformational tool for healing, building trust, and community cohesion. Post-pandemic, participation in arts reduces isolation and rebuilds community networks. In the midst of an epidemic of violence and community suffering stemming from the public health crises of racism and poverty, arts are a vital strategy in a community’s fostering of empathy, conflict resolution, and positive mental health.

Teaching artists and/or arts organizations engaged in HeARTS will participate in HeARTS-related programming throughout the period of Winter through Summer 2024.

What is the goal of HeARTS?

The goal of HeARTS is to provide multigenerational, multidisciplinary arts programming in accessible neighborhood spaces during out-of-school time. HeARTS will invest in and provide support and space for teaching artists and arts organizations to lead meaningful engagement throughout the program.

Who should apply for this opportunity?

Eligibility is based on the following criteria. The teaching artist and/or arts organization:

  • Has an interest in engaging community members.
  • Has experience with, or willingness to collaborate with, community members.
  • Has a primary place of business or residence in Greater Louisville.
  • Provides arts programming that aligns with at least one of the following artistic areas:
    • Artistic communities, arts education, dance, design, folk & traditional arts, literary arts, media arts, arts museums, music, musical theater, opera, presenting and multidisciplinary works, theater, visual arts.
  • Provides a staff member or primary contact person to ensure consistent delivery of programs and communication.
  • Has experience with providing arts programming and/or skilled, trained teaching artists with experience.
  • Please note some community partners may require liability insurance coverage of no less than $1,000,000.
  • Complete background checks on all teaching artists prior to on-site programs (click here for more information).
  • Artists and organizations in the directory will be able to provide programs and will commit to the program duration required by the community partner.

How do I/we apply? 

If you are interested in participating in HeARTS, please apply to the Fund for the Arts Greater Louisville Teaching Artists and Organizations Directory. The application to the  Teaching Artists and Organizations Directory will also serve as your application for HeARTS. All applications must be submitted online through the Fund for the Arts Online Grant Portal.

If you have questions about accessibility or need assistance submitting your program to the directory, please contact grants@fundforthearts.org.



Please note: As part of your application, you must submit two letters of reference from community partners that you or your organization has served in the last two years.

What is the deadline to apply? 

The Greater Louisville Teaching Artists and Organizations Directory has a rolling application. You can submit your application anytime. HeARTS partner organizations select teaching artists and organizations from the Directory on an as-needed basis throughout the year.

What is expected of me or my organization if our application is approved? 

Teaching artists and/or arts organizations selected for HeARTS must:

  • Sign a grant agreement
  • Attend a series of learning opportunities for HeARTS instructors
  • Work with community center staff to establish a schedule and timeline of programming
  • Keep Fund for the Arts notified of any changes in the program or organization contacts
  • Conduct business in a professional manner during all programs and maintain the policies of the program site
  • Demonstrate a plan for backup or substitute teaching artists in the event of illness or other absence during scheduled programs
  • Acknowledge the Fund for the Arts in published materials and announcement pertaining to programs funded by Fund for the Arts
  • Maintain all required background checks for teaching artists (click here for more information)

Application includes: 

  • Contact information-email, phone, address, website (who we contact to book/schedule)
  • Background information-mission or artistic statement, artistic discipline
  • Arts Programming Overview:
    • brief bio of your arts programming staff,
    • brief description of the arts programming you provide,
    • description of the artistic and educational content of your programming,
    • your process for hiring, training, and evaluating teaching artists and their performance/effectiveness,
    • how you ensure inclusion of participants of all backgrounds and abilities in your programming
    • how you engage teachers and community center staff before, during, and after programming, and
    • how you engage participants in the creative and learning process.
  • Program Format-length of residencies and availability.
  • Content and Objectives-population(s) served, subject matters explored.
  • Capacity-number of students served.
  • Work samples-two samples of your teaching.
  • Two Letters of Reference.
  • Up to two additional documents (optional) that demonstrate your organization’s expertise in providing arts programming.


Timeline and At-A-Glance Information

Application Deadline Rolling application
Age of participants Programs for all ages
Program funding and timeline Winter/Spring 2024

  • Stipend, $5,000 for participating teaching artists and/or arts organizations
  • Teaching artists and/or arts organizations will lead arts programs in up to 25 community centers across Louisville/Jefferson County
  • Community centers will select one program per site $15,000, for teaching artists and/or arts organizations leading programs
  • Teaching artists and/or organizations and community centers will determine the duration of the program (typically 8-week program sessions)
  • Additional budget may be available for programs with a longer duration or programs that include a culminating project.
How many program spaces are available? Anticipating 25 opportunities for teaching artists and/or arts organizations for 2024
How can I learn more? We will host virtual office hours every Tuesday from 4:00pm-5:00pm.


The link can be found on our website’s Apply for Funding page along with other funding opportunities.


Direct link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83555402129?pwd=RjhnNlY3QmQ4L3J4Rk1BV01NUmtkUT09

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