In September I attended the annual fall Fund for the Arts 5×5 update meeting. At the meeting, I was excited to receive a list of potential Family Field Trips that the 5×5 grant was funding in conjunction with their various affiliates. The very next morning I could not wait to present the opportunities to our principal and the Family Resource Center. We chose a spring trip to the Louisville Ballet, because many of our students have been fortunate to experience the Louisville Ballet’s Bridging Cultures program thanks to the 5×5 grant.

Kristin Wingfeld contacted me in October with an additional field trip opportunity, because so few schools had responded to the FFA’s field trip possibilities. Lucky Hartstern Elementary! We were offered tickets to Walden Theater’s performance of Sleepy Hollow.

We did not anticipate a large response for a play on the Friday night after Halloween. But we were wrong! Overwhelmed with the families’ responses, we had to create a waiting list.

November 2nd was such a long day. My husband had surgery in the morning; in the afternoon I attended Waldorf training in Crestwood until 5:00 PM, only to have to travel to Hartstern Elementary off Outer Loop just in time to meet families. Secretly, I wished that I had not accepted the offer and I could simply go home to sleep. But when I got to school, I was re-energized as I watched the families roll up with such anticipation on their smiling faces. The night was such a success. Kristin Wingfeld and Walden Theater were both so wonderful to work with and coordinate the evening. The bus, generously paid for by the Fund for the Arts, was on time and gave families a chance to chat in a casual atmosphere. The homebound conversation was full of positive energy and opinions about the theater’s interpretation of Sleepy Hollow and the young actors’ fabulous performances. Watching the faces of students and their adults respond to the youth performers was wonderful. If only I could capture just one delighted smile, you would know why your school should take advantage of this generous and exciting offer.

Debbie Rutledge Lockyear
Hartstern Elementary

Hear from some of the students and family members who were able to join us for this Family Field Trip:

My mom, dad, little sister and I went on a family field trip thanks to The Fund for the Arts and Walden Theater. What I liked about the play was that it was performed by kids, not adults with years of experience. Also, it was a great story and put on wonderfully. It was fun getting to ride the bus to and from the play. I liked how Walden Theater didn’t use a lot of special effects. Most of the sounds were done by the performers. It was funny to listen to them making all of the noises.

Thank you for having the free play for the families to enjoy. It was fun and interesting to go see. Thank you again!


Molly McGregor
6th grader @ Noe Middle School Student and sister of Hartstern student


I thought the play was funny and interesting. I really liked the character, Ichabod Crane. It was really fun to go to the field trip with my mom. Walden Theater is really nice and I would like to see another play there. Thank you for providing us with all the stuff to go. The actors did a really good job at acting out the play.

Justin Lee Roth
3rd Grader Hartstern Elementary


I was excited that we got to go see a play with my family. It was Sleepy Hollow. Going to Sleepy Hollow with my family was amazing because I got to see a play with them. My favorite part was when the Headless Horseman came on stage. I thought it was fun to ride the bus because I got to see a lot of friends and sit with my family. I want to act at Walden Theater. I like the stage and it looks like fun to be a actor. Thank you Walden Theater and Fund for the Arts for  letting us come to the play.

Kaylie McGregor
3rd Grader Hartstern Elementary

For more information on Family Field Trips made possible by the 5×5 program contact Kristin Wingfeld at the Fund for the Arts.

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