Has it been 90 days already?  All most!  On December 5th the Fund for the Arts launched the new crowd sourcing website power2give.org to aid nonprofit organizations across the State of Kentucky and Southern Indiana with their fund raising efforts.  Every project posted by a non profit has 90 days to fund before their project expires.  We are just 1 day and a few hours away from our first projects expiring!   With the help of matching sponsors and donors like you, power2give has already funded more than $300,000 in projects!  With your help, we can fund a few more today before time and money run out.

Did I say money runs out?  I did!  We have been blessed to have thousands of $1 for $1 matches thanks to our sponsors to start off this incredible project.  But those funds are down to just $1,800 $856.00 in unrestricted matching.  Can you work with us today to see how many projects we can get funded in the next 24 hours before their time runs out?

Here is our countdown clock:

Check them out today!


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