Stage One Family Theatre, YUM! Brands and the Fund for the Arts Celebrate “TAKE A CHILD TO THE THEATRE DAY” by offering FREE tickets to Lyle the Crocodile!
March 20th has been named “World Theatre for Children and Young People Day,” as part of the “Take a Child to the Theatre” campaign by The International Association of Theaters for Young Audiences. After all, it just might save the Theatre for young audiences isn’t about actors dressing up and acting silly on stage; it’s very much the opposite. While certainly meant to be entertaining, theatre for young audiences is often the gateway to the performing arts for children and families. It is a vehicle to teach expression, self-awareness, diversity, compassion, and respect; among others.
In a recent article from the Huffington Post. Lauren Gunderson says, “so much of the toxicity in this world comes from a collective draining of empathy. We don’t understand each other, and we don’t want to. But theater invites us — no, forces us — to empathize. If you take a child to the theater, not only will they practice empathy, they might also laugh uproariously, or come home singing about science, or want to know more about history, or tell you what happened at school today, or spend all dinner discussing music, or learn how to handle conflict, or start becoming future patrons of the arts.”
As a leader in Theatre for Young Audiences in this region, Stage One Family Theatre couldn’t be more on board, and together with Yum! Brands and the Fund for the Arts will be opening their doors during the spring break week for Jefferson County Public Schools and encouraging the public to take a child to the theatre…FOR FREE…to see Lyle the Crocodile on Tuesday April 10 or Friday, April 13 at 10 am.
“Stage One, Yum!, and the Fund believe in educating and inspiring the next generation of theatre-goers, and what better way to promote the arts than a completely free opportunity to experience the arts first hand,” says Stage One Producing Artistic Director Peter Holloway. “However, the old saying of ‘sit back and relax’ doesn’t apply here…we want to have fun, laugh, learn, interact, and have an experience!”
FREE TICKET OFFER: Available for the 10 am performances on Tuesday, April 10 and Friday, April 13. You must RSVP for tickets to the show by calling 502.498.2436 or emailing (please include your name, address, phone number, date of show and how many tickets you would like).
Stage One is a member of the Greater Louisville Fund for the Arts. The Kentucky Arts Council, the state arts agency, supports Stage One Children’s Theatre with state tax dollars and federal funding from the National Endowment for the Arts, who believes a great nation deserves great art. Stage One’s season is sponsored by YUM! Family Series Program.