Application Period: Ongoing
The Fund for the Arts Professional Development Scholarships Program is an investment in the capacity of individual artists and arts organizations that are our community’s creative foundation. The program provides artists and arts organizations with access to professional development opportunities that will enhance their professional and organizational growth.
Application Period: Summer 2017 – Early Fall 2017
The James Welch Sr. Arts Leadership Award, presented by Stoll Keenon Ogden and Fund for the Arts, honors an individual who, through volunteer commitment and ongoing leadership, has made a substantial impact to the arts community in Louisville and throughout the Kentuckiana region. The award, first presented in 2010, is also a tribute to the late James Welch Sr., one of the founding members of Stoll Keenon Ogden’s legacy firm, who quietly provided strong guidance and support to the Louisville arts community for decades.
Application Period: Summer 2017 – Early Fall 2017
The Allan Cowen Innovation Award fosters creative intellectual exploration in pursuit of arts leadership and organizational evolution.
Applications open mid-February 2018
Established in 1987, the Whittenberg Scholarship supports young performing artists in their pursuit of advanced study.
The National Scholastic Arts Awards began in 1923 by M.R. Robinson, the founder of Scholastic Inc. The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards are the most longest‐running and prestigious recognition program for creative teenage students grades 7 ‐12.
For the Louisville region, The Scholastic Art Awards are administered for the Louisville Metropolitan Region by Jefferson County Public Schools with support from the Fund for the Arts and Kentucky Museum of Art & Craft.
For more information on the Scholastic Arts Awards, contact Melisa Gano with JCPS.