Fund for the Arts and Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Kentucky first partnered in 2014 to bring transformative arts experiences to students throughout the school year. Anthem Healthy Living Through the Arts leverages the power of the arts to cultivate healthy habits in student’s lives regardless of location or other barriers to access.

Louisville Ballet provides dance instruction for three distinct programs that make up Healthy Living through the Arts:

Exploring Movement Workshops
400 students in grades K-5th served through a combination of dance and social studies curriculum to create, connect and perform cultural dances at the following schools: Camp Taylor Elementary School, Wellington Elementary School, Dixie Elementary School and Rangeland Elementary School.

Intense Engagement at Lincoln Performing Arts School
48 students in grades K-1st are participating in beginning ballet classes during after school time over the course of eight weeks. Students receive the same training offered at Louisville Ballet School – the same quality of instruction, expectation of hard work and the focus and dedication to ballet as an art form.

Engagement in West and South Louisville
75 students in grades K-5th are engaging in weekly dance classes over the course of 12 weeks, discussing how dance contributes to an overall healthy lifestyle at Newburg, Shawnee and Parklands Boys and Girls Club


Please contact Christa Iwu, Impact Coordinator at the Fund for the Arts, with any questions:

P | 502.882.8695
E |

“We believe the arts are key to ensuring students receive ample exercise and also begin to develop positive habits that lead to an overall healthy lifestyle.”

– President of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Kentucky

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