Did you know Louisville Leopard’s Ensemble Director Meg Samples is in 8 bands like Big Momma Thorazine, Deloreans, Roadie, and more PLUS hosts the radio show 91.9 WFPK’s AfterDark? Learn this and more as Fund for the Arts Intern Jenna Tobbe sits down with Megan for a Q&A!
Add some background music while you read! Check out the electronic sounds of Big Momma Thorazine:
Q&A with Meg Samples:
Q: How long have you been playing drums?
A: About 20 years!
Q: Did you have family members who played music when you were younger?
A: Yep! My dad played guitar, so did my brother, my older sister played piano, and my younger sister played the violin.
Q: Did that inspire you to play music too?
A: Definitely.
Q: How old were you when you got your first drum set?
A: I’m pretty sure I got my first drum set at 14. It was a Thor red sparkle kit.
Q: Did you pick it out or did someone else?
A: It was free from the church I was going to and playing for at the time.
Q: What made you decide to come to U of L from Mt. Sterling?
A: The jazz program and drum set instructor there were a big pull. It was also appealing going to a big-ish city and I got a scholarship.
Q: What was your favorite class in college?
A: Definitely my private drum lessons, and also Queer Politics.
Q: What did you want to be when you grew up?
A: Janet Jackson’s back up dancer!
Q: Did you have any plans post-graduation or did things just sort of flow?
A: They totally flowed. I was just trying to play as much music in Louisville as possible, and pay bills in the process.
Q: Do you write any songs?
A: I have one complete song that I’ve written called “Mixed Drinks and High Fives” for my band, Brute Lite.
Q: How many bands are you in right now? (And who are they, and what style of music do they play)
A: 8?!
- Squeeze-bot, instrumental covers with accordion, tuba, banjo, and drums
- Deloreans, indie rock
- Bridge 19, alt country
- Maximon, indie pop
- Brute Lite, experimental/dance
- Big Momma Thorazine, electronic
- Roadie, indie/jam
- Dawn Landes, singer/song writer
Q: What’s the focus of your show on 91.9?
A: It’s called FPK AfterDark, and focuses on Triple A radio tunes, plus I add a lot of hip hop and music from outside the USA, because that’s what I like. I also throw in some jazz from time to time.
Q: How do you choose the music you play during your radio show?
A: I choose some, and some are tunes that the radio station is promoting because we know our listeners will like it, or if that particular band or artist is coming through town. We also play a lot of Louisville music!
Q: How did you get involved with the Louisville Leopards?
A: I heard about them through musician and motivational speaker, Harry Pickens. I saw them play with the Louisville Orchestra in 2008 and wanted nothing more than to volunteer and help out as much as possible!
Q: What’s your favorite part about working with the Leopards?
A: The kids creativity and no-fear attitude when it comes to learning something new is my favorite thing. They are also hilarious without even trying.
Q: What does the future hold for you?
A: Hopefully puppies.