Ever have a time when your head is so full of colliding thoughts and random noises that you want to find the first quiet empty room and hide? Have a day when your “can-do list” feels more like your “never can-do list”? Have a day when it’s so darn cold outside you nearly freeze your _____ off while dashing for the morning Courier-Journal? Welcome to my world.
But, there is a cure for our daily drama: Drama! Okay – comedy! Actors Theatre’s production of It Takes A ‘Ville! to be exact. This wondrous production at our own Actors Theatre by the comedy powerhouse Second City will clear your head and lighten your heart. In my current world of ever-so-serious, this production is most definitely not-so-serious.
Tonight, I’m grabbing my wife and my friends and heading straight to for the 8 p.m. curtain. Tickets are selling like hotcakes, so click here and get yours this very second! This prescription of instant relief with a very heavy dose of laughter will cure all ills. Gee whiz, I’ll bet you know a few friends of your own who would benefit from an Actors Theatre “vacation”, why not buy them a ticket?
Hey! Before I let you go, Jim Allen our Fund for the Arts campaign chair wanted me to pass on to you his personal invitation to join us for our free 2011 Arts Showcase and Campaign Kick-Off on Tuesday, February 1st, 12 noon at the Brown Theatre. Clickhere and make your reservation. Lunch is complimentary.
Alright then. To the not-so-free part: Please remember – your support of the Fund for the Arts campaign adds a little smile to our collective lives every day of the year. Click here and make a pledge today – or watch for your chance to give in your workplace campaign.
I know my last few e-mails have been a bit on the serious side so I’m ready for some fun! See you at Actors Theatre.
Allan Cowen
President & CEO
Fund for the Arts