Barbara Sexton Smith and William Kolb
Scholastic Art Awards
On Thursday, February 21st, the Louisville region celebrated some of our best and brightest young visual artists at the Scholastic Arts Awards Ceremony. Administered by JCPS for our region, students from more than 45 schools submitted more than 1,800 pieces of art in a variety of genres, including painting, design, digital art, photography, and mixed media. The Fund for the Arts, in partnership with Kentucky Museum of Art & Craft, presented four superlative awards to outstanding pieces. The superlative awards were selected by Aldy Milliken, Executive Director of Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft. Barbara Sexton Smith, along with Milliken, presented the awards to the students during the awards ceremony at Gheens Academy.
The Fund for the Arts superlative winners were:
Zehui Ni
Manual High School
Jade Dynasty
Andre’ Scruggs
Manual High School
Mean Mug
Chelsea Harris
North Oldham High School
Neon Requiem
Wyatt Wasz-Piper
Manual High School
William Kolb was the big winner at the Awards Ceremony, taking home more than 20 awards including the evening’s largest prize, the John Botto Award. William is a senior at the Brown School and plans to pursue a college degree in photojournalism. William volunteered to take pictures of the Fund for the Arts superlative winners.
About the Scholastic Art Awards
The National Scholastic Arts Awards began in 1923 by M.R. Robinson, the founder of Scholastic Inc. The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards are the most longest‐running and prestigious recognition program for creative teenage students grades 7 ‐12. The Scholastic Art Awards are administered for the Louisville Metropolitan Region by Jefferson County Public Schools with support from the Fund for the Arts and Kentucky Museum of Art & Craft. For more information on the Scholastic Arts Awards, contact Melisa Gano at Melisa.gano@jefferson.kyschools.us.