For students in grades 4 – 12
The Louisville Youth Choir, artist in residence at Sacred Heart School for the Arts, is offering two summer day camps for singers in rising grades 4 through 12 from July 23-27.
The Bella Voce Camp
For serious solo singers who will be entering grades 9 through 12 in the fall. The camp curriculum will include the study of vocal literature, vocal pedagogy, diction and theory. Students will receive two private voice lessons with principal teacher, Terri E. Foster, and students will have two master class opportunities with guest faculty.. A singer assessment may be required.
The Summer Vocal Camp
Taught by Dr. Louie L. Bailey, is intended for students entering grades 4 through 8 in the fall. This day camp will include daily choir rehearsals, music theory, group voice instruction, audition preparation and rhythm. No audition is required.
Each camp is $225 and will conclude with a closing concert on Friday, July 27. The camp fee includes breakfast, lunch, a snack, camp materials and a t-shirt. The camps will be held at Sacred Heart School for the Arts, Angela Hall, bldg. 17, 3105 Lexington Rd, on the Ursuline Campus.
The registration deadline is July 13. For more information, call 502-896-5859. Registration forms and additional information can be found at
Mail completed registration form and camp fees to:
Terri Foster
Louisville Youth Choir
3105 Lexington Road
Louisville, KY 40206
Louisville Youth Choir, a nonprofit performing arts organization, was established in 1967 to create a passion for singing among young people. LYC annually draws over 100 youth from throughout the metropolitan area, and its musical repertoire includes many styles and cultures, including major classics and modern works, often performed with soloists and orchestras. Open auditions are held seasonally throughout the year, and weekly rehearsals culminate in more than five public performances annually. The Choir’s goal is to enhance musical education and performance experiences for students throughout the region and currently includes students from approximately 50 area public, private and Catholic schools.
The Kentucky Arts Council, a state agency in the Commerce Cabinet provides operation support funding for The Louisville Youth Choir Inc. with state tax dollars and federal funding from the National Endowment for the Arts.
Sacred Heart School for the Arts (SHSA), fully-accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, provides opportunities for students of all ages either to pursue careers in the arts or to enrich their lives through music, dance, drama or visual art. SHSA classes encourage students to explore meanings, associations and interpretations of their encounters with the arts. In addition to its after-school tuition-based classes, SHSA provides arts instruction through an arts integration program as part of the school day for schools on the Ursuline Campus. In 2007, Sacred Heart Schools welcomed the renowned Louisville Youth Choir as artist in residence to SHSA. Sacred Heart School for the Arts is a member of Sacred Heart Schools and is sponsored by the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville.