Kentucky Shakespeare strives to reach it’s 1,000,000th child in 2012 with a new van funded through power2give!
Kentucky Shakespeare, a Cultural Partner of the Fund for the Arts, is putting the power in power2give! To date, they’ve fully funded 11 projects on power2give with a total value of more than $32,000. One $10,000 project that funded will help them purchase a van so they can take their educational programming across the state and reach their 1,000,000th child in 2012. Yes, you read that right, I said 1,000,000th child!
Allen Harris is a board member at Kentucky Shakespeare and chair of the Fundraising Committee. Allen told us that many arts organizations have difficulty connecting with smaller donors because everyone is always looking for the home run. power2give has allowed them to adjust their focus. “People don’t always think a $25 donation makes a difference, but when you can watch the meter move on a project you can see your gift makes an impact.”
Kentucky Shakespeare has clearly moved the meter on their projects, and they’re not stopping! You can check out their current power2give project by clicking here! Help Romeo go to Western Middle School, bring history to life at Pride Elementary, lend your ears for a new sound system, or shine some much needed light on a spectacular show this summer. The choice is yours!