Arts Inspiring Hope

Arts Inspiring Hope brought the transformative, healing power of the arts to co-survivors: the children and families of breast cancer patients and survivors across the region. This initiative engaged children and families in two ways: providing free tickets to local arts performances and exhibits as well as creating weekly arts workshops opportunities at locations across Greater Louisville.

Click Here to view a list of programs offered in 2017-2018.

The mounting medical bills (even with insurance) don’t leave extra money in our budget for entertainment. My family is my first and closest support system, and WE are going through breast cancer together. Being there to see my stress and worry fade away while enjoying the evening makes a difference for them. The arts, especially music, are an important part of my recovery because they ease my anxiety and make me feel joyful”

—Arts Inspiring Hope Participant

Arts Inspiring Hope led by Fund for the Arts was made possible by Susan G. Komen Kentucky in partnership with Louisville Parks and Recreation, Louisville Free Public Library, and Arts for Kosair Kids®.


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